#1 Professional Photos
With screen times increasing, having quality photos is a no brainer for me.
Especially, if I’m spending all my time and money perfecting my product! How dare I not have professional photos taken of every.single. product!?!
I’ve closed so many deals because I had photos to back me up!
If I didn’t have a photo, I’d pay someone to draw it because photos are THAT important in this digital world of visual storytelling.
Quality photos have elevated my business faster than my words or contracts ever have!
#2 C l e a r + Fast Communication
YOU CAUGHT ME! Yes, I cheated. I spent 3yrs. at KeyBank communicating with people about their MONEY. The last thing I needed was someone cussing me out because I didn’t respond fast enough or was unclear about their next steps.
Here’s how my client, De’Aysa explained my communication style.
If you KNOW your product from the inside out, it’s easy to be honest and intentional about how things should plan out !
Honesty leads you to greatness!
& Since I’m a book worm, here’s a book recommendation thats helped me communicate with honesty and intentionality! See below ! Must Read!
#1 Fast communication sets you a part from everyone else choosing to wait until Monday to respond to their customers.
#2 Clear communication guides customers from the door to the check-out line.
But I’ll be honest, there were A LOT of times, my communication fell short.
Like right here in my DM’s.
#3 I Am Obnoxiously Ambitious
Everyone is so afraid to look dumb.
Friend, we are here to e v o l v e , embrace that!! YOU have a story to share a year from now!
For me? I stopped playing with my potential. I tucked my head and started pouring into myself.
I read bookssss about people who walked my path and took 0 advice from people who wasn’t demonstrating it in their own lives.
I DID NOT focus on how I was going to get something done, I literally just took step by step. The “how” will gradually figure itself out, just watch.
I wrote my goals out with dates to accomplish them and stuck to it like glueee.
I also made this bold request, captioned below…
I had no idea what I was asking for, but whatever God had for me, I wanted it all !!
& He showed out! He gave me strength in my work ethic, wisdom, and money as my tool.
I also was extremely radical in my faith! LOL
AHAHAHA! I’m pretty crazy.
#4 Reinvest !
Cleveland Flower Walls is my little baby.
She requires a lot of attention and love, so I went all in with NO PLAN B.
More specifically, I keep my personal expenses super low in order to feed my business aggressively. If I can heavily invest 3 - 5 years straight, I know the following years will be worth my sacrifice.
Just watch.
#5 A Disciplined Schedule
Lastly, The secret to my success can be found in my daily routine.
The pitfall of most failed goals is the lack of planning + preparation
Listen, my day will never bully me!!! Through a written plan & discipline, I can control my day! But it only works because I’m consistent!
When a road gets blocked, I know somewhere along that path there’s a lesson for me.
& Since I hate retaking the same lesson, I’m sure to learn from it
that way I’ll neverrr have to retake that test everrr again !!
It’s worked for 2 years straight.
ARE YOU READY? lol * Dramatic Pause *
I create my work schedule in harmony with the rising & setting of the sun!!!
Here’s My Seasonal Schedule !
Spring – Summer
4am – 5am: Wake. Spend time in God’s presence.
5am – 6am: Make tea. Cook Breakfast. Get dressed.
6am – 9am: Emails – Advertise on social media platforms
10am – 1pm: Take a walk with Hubby / meet with clients / run errands
1pm – 2pm Snack / Rest
2pm – 5pm Physical work - Design Flower Walls!!
5:30pm – 6pm Clean work stations
6pm – 8pm Shower / Dinner + time with Hubby
9pm – 10pm Social media engagement
10am – 11pm – Read / Study / Sleep
Fall - Winter
11am – Wake. Spend time in God’s presence
1pm – 3 – Tea / Dress / Physical Work
3pm – 4pm: Cook Lunch. Get dressed.
3pm – 4pm: Emails – Calls – Strategize
4pm – 5pm Run Errands
6pm – 7:30pm: Cook Dinner with Hubby
8pm – 9: Clean + Rest
9pm – 4am – Strategize – Advertise – Read/Study